How Much CBD Oil Should I Take?

How Much CBD Oil Should I Take for Sleep, Stress
With CBD practically everywhere, you are probably considering what is CBD Oil good for and how it can assist your everyday life. Fortunately, many people who use CBD have found comfort and relief from regular or even occasional use. However, finding an ideal CBD Oil dosage for your situation is the key to obtaining the benefits of these products. And if you’re ready to try CBD or have already tried it without much noticeable difference, then you may be wondering “how much CBD Oil should I take?”

Continue reading for tips on determining your perfect CBD dosage for sleep and stress or anxiety based on various studies and general tips.


Choosing the Best CBD Oil for Stress and Sleep

Before you can answer the question, “how much CBD Oil should I take,” you first have to know what to look for when buying CBD Oil. Always verify that your CBD Oil is clearly labeled with the accurate CBD concentration, as well as the dosing instructions, CBD potency per serving, nutrition facts, QR codes and the required FDA disclaimer. These are the minimum labeling requirements currently in place for CBD Oil and can help you be sure that your CBD company follows regulatory guidelines.

Second, and most importantly, you’ll want to see the lab testing results before you make any purchases. Lab tests verify that your product contains the labeled amount of CBD, is free of mycotoxins, pesticides, residual solvents and other unwanted components, and contains less than 0.3% THC – the federal legal limit.

Whether you have your new bottle of CBD Oil sitting on the counter at home or are just starting to research brands, it will greatly benefit your wellness routine to confirm your product meets these standards.


How to Determine Your Perfect CBD Oil Dosage

While the Hemp plant has been around for centuries, CBD has only gained traction as a natural wellness product in the last decade, thus leaving much to be discovered about this compound – including dosing guidelines.

For now, it may take some trial and error to find the best CBD Oil dosage for your situation. As a general rule of thumb, you should start with a serving of about 10 to 15 milligrams and monitor how it makes you feel. After a few days with a consistent intake, you can gradually increase your dose until you find what best works for you.

HB Pro-Tip: You can easily keep a CBD journal to track your experience with different serving sizes (how you felt when you took it, noticeable differences in your condition, etc.).

You may also find that timing your CBD intake correctly can enhance its effectiveness for you. For example, if you aim to use your CBD dosage for sleep, it may benefit you to take it in the evening. However, if you need stress or anxiety relief during the day, you may benefit from a serving in the morning.



What Does the Research Say?

Research is ongoing to determine the proper CBD Oil dosage guidelines and to better answer the question, “How much cbd oil should I take?” However, a handful of human and animal studies have given some insight on how different servings of CBD may impact sleep and anxiety.


Research on the CBD Dosage for Sleep

Sleep studies show that different serving sizes of CBD impact the quality and duration of sleep in separate ways.

In a clinical trial determining the “Hypnotic and Antiepileptic Effects of Cannabidiol,” 15 insomniac subjects were given either 40, 80, or 160mg of CBD and compared to a placebo group as well as a group receiving a prescription sleep aid. Research found that participants that received a 160mg dose of CBD experienced an increase in total sleep time as compared to the placebo group and reported less arousals throughout the night.

Similarly, in a 2013 animal study, “Effects of Acute Systemic Administration of Cannabidiol on the Sleep-Wake Cycle in Rats,” researchers found that there was an increase in total sleep percentage in the groups receiving mid-range (10mg/kg) and high-dose (40mg/kg) servings, as compared to the placebo group.

In a large case series studying Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep, most subjects were given a CBD Oil dosage of 25mg/day in the evening after dinner, while some received 50mg or 75mg, and one participant gradually increased their dosage to 175mg over the course of the study. Research showed that sleep improved within the first month of CBD use across participants and fluctuated over time.

Some studies even show that there may be some crossover for CBD’s effects on anxiety and stress and sleep. In a 2011 animal study, “Effect of Cannabidiol on Sleep Disruption Induced by the Repeated Combination Tests Consisting of Open Field and Elevated Plus-Maze in Rats,” researchers heightened anxiety in rats through repeated tests and measured the effects on their sleep. After conditioning the animals, researchers began administering CBD and found that rather than directly regulating sleep, CBD blocked anxiety-induced REM suppression through its calming effects, thus leading to more sleep.

Please note that animal studies are not substitute for studies in humans.


Research for CBD Serving Sizes for Stress

When it comes to stress and anxiety, there is promising research that CBD eases the effects of these situations.

In the aforementioned large case series on anxiety and sleep, one segment of subjects was monitored for the effects of CBD on their feelings of anxiety. The results showed that CBD, when given before the start of their day, decreased stressed and anxiety. These feelings continued to decline over a three-month period.

Two separate studies used simulated public speaking tests (SPST) as anxiety and stress-provoking situations to measure how CBD would impact the subjects.

The 2011 study, “Cannabidiol Reduces the Anxiety Induced by Simulated Public Speaking in Treatment-Naïve Social Phobia Patients,” analyzed a group of subjects with Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and healthy candidates. The SAD participants who received 600mg of CBD before the public speaking simulation showed a significant drop in anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort. Their response to the simulation was similar to that of the healthy candidates. On the other hand, the SAD participants that received a placebo experienced higher anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort.

A more recent 2019 study further analyzed the effects of CBD on a SPST by administering a range of doses. Groups were given a placebo or 150mg, 300mg, or 600mg CBD Oil dosage. Only the 300mg group showed a significant reduction in anxiety during their speech, while the 150mg, 600mg and placebo group experienced no significant difference. From those results, we can gather that a higher dose of CBD is not necessarily more effective for all situations.


Why Should You Consider CBD Oil for Stress and Sleep

It’s a common finding that chronic stress and the resulting lack of quality sleep can negatively affect your productivity, personal interactions and overall health.

In fact, according to a 2019 Hemp Bombs® survey of 1350 participants, 41% of customers use CBD for sleep or relaxation and stress – and you may be able to find relief as well. CBD is a cannabinoid with a natural calming effect, which can help you relax and support getting to sleep easier. As a non-psychoactive compound, CBD does not cause a feeling of intoxication, allowing it to fit your lifestyle preferences. Unlike traditional methods, this compound has not been linked to severe short-term side effects or the “hangover” effect caused by many sleep aids.  However, additional study of CBD and any potential side effects are needed, and the FDA has publicly requested more research be completed.

For now, CBD offers a more natural wellness solution to easing daily stressors and encouraging restful sleep, both of which can boost your mental and physical well-being.  Hemp Bombs also encourages you to speak with your doctor about finding the appropriate routine and CBD Oil dosage prior to trying our products.


Find Relief with Hemp Bombs®

At Hemp Bombs, we strive to make it easy to achieve your wellness goals by creating a range of affordable, effective, and most importantly, high-quality CBD Oil, CBD Gummies and other premium CBD products. While CBD remains largely unregulated, industry-leading brands like Hemp Bombs are setting the standards for transparency, quality and safety through compliant manufacturing practices and extensive quality control and lab testing.

Whenever you pick up a bottle of our CBD Oil, you can rest assured that you are holding a product that has been created with your health and safety in mind. Choose from five concentrations, ranging from 300mg to 5000mg, to carefully customize your CBD Oil dosage. We also carry five unique flavors, including Natural Hemp, Acai Berry, Chocolate Mint, Orange Creamsicle, Peppermint and Watermelon, for all tastes and preferences. Plus, we have a Natural Hemp option for those without a sweet tooth or prefer versatility in homemade recipes.


Do you need pointers for getting started with CBD Oil? learn more about how to take CBD Oil from a dropper:

Posted in CBDCBD Oil

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