How Long Does CBD Last?

How long does CBD last - CBD Bioavailability

Taking CBD has the potential to increase your comfort and relaxation. You want these feelings to last as long as possible. However, depending on the method you choose to take this natural compound, it can change the length of your CBD experience. So, how long does Cannabidiol last when taken in different formats? From vape to edibles and oils, each product has a unique CBD bioavailability and delivers varying results. Continue reading to learn how long CBD lasts after you take it.

What is CBD?

CBD is the abbreviation for Cannabidiol. It is a naturally occurring substance found in the Cannabis plant. In the United States, most CBD is derived from Hemp. People use CBD for various reasons. Some people use CBD to help with pain, anxiety and sleep problems. CBD does not have psychoactive effects like THC. This means it will not make you feel “high.” CBD can be found in many forms, such as oils, gummies, creams and more.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD works by interacting with the body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS helps regulate many important functions like sleep, mood, appetite and pain.

Here’s a simple explanation of how CBD works:

Endocannabinoid System (ECS): The ECS is a network of tiny receptors found throughout your body. These receptors help keep things in balance, like your mood and how you feel pain.

Receptors: Think of receptors like tiny locks. Certain chemicals in your body act like keys that fit into these locks to make things happen.

CBD and Receptors: CBD doesn’t fit directly into these locks, but it influences how the keys work. It helps the ECS work better by making it easier for your body to use its own natural chemicals.

Effects: Because the ECS affects many parts of your body, CBD can help with different issues. For example, it might help you feel less anxious, reduce pain or help you sleep better.

CBD supports your body’s natural systems and helps them run smoother. It won’t cure diseases, but it can help manage certain symptoms.

What is CBD Bioavailability?

Aside from factors like discomfort level, body composition, age and gender, bioavailability also plays a role in how long CBD effects last after you take it. But what is CBD bioavailability?

Bioavailability refers to the amount of a substance that is absorbed into the bloodstream when introduced to your system and its ability to provide active effects. For example, if a substance has 20% bioavailability and you take 100mg. Only 20mg (or 20%) will be absorbed into the bloodstream and provide your desired effects.

How Long Does CBD Last in Different Forms?

CBD Vape

Inhaling CBD offers the highest level of CBD absorption with the quickest results. Because this method allows CBD to enter through the lungs, it quickly goes into the bloodstream. Vaping CBD can deliver relief in as little as 10 minutes.

Studies suggest that the bioavailability of CBD Vape products ranges from 34% to 46%, with rates as high as 56%. Variations in how long the effects of CBD lasts can depend on how deeply or long they inhale. With each puff, the person is inhaling a higher dose of CBD.

Despite the high absorption rate of this method, the effects can be short-lived, dissipating in as little as an hour.

CBD Oils

CBD Oil is one of the most common ways to take CBD. Sublingual (under the tongue) drops provide fairly quick results and a moderate level of CBD absorption These drops are held under the tongue for about 60 seconds before being swallowed. This allows for fast absorption of CBD from mouth tissue to the bloodstream.

Studies suggest that when properly taken sublingually, CBD has an absorption rate of 10% to 35%. This number can be impacted by how long it is held under the tongue and other factors. Although the drops are not typically ingested, much of the compound is broken down by the enzymes in saliva which also effects how long the CBD will last.

CBD Oil does not have to be absorbed in the digestive system and enters directly into the bloodstream. Because of this it can deliver results in as little as 20 to 30 minutes and last for a few hours.

CBD Edibles

CBD Edibles like CBD Gummies, Lollipops and Capsules are a popular and easy way to take this natural compound. But when taken in edible form, the answer to “how long does CBD last,” changes drastically. Edibles provide long-lasting effects. However, they also have some of the lowest CBD bioavailability rates. This is due to first-pass metabolism or the first-pass through the liver. During this phase, enzymes in the liver break down the stomach contents including CBD before transporting key elements into the bloodstream.

Only about 6% to 20% of the ingested CBD serving makes it into the bloodstream after the digestion process. However, like the nutrients from your everyday meals, this method of CBD benefits your body for hours.

CBD Topicals

CBD Topicals like patches, gels and lotions aim to provide relief for specific areas of discomfort by targeting the source. This way the CBD doesn’t have to travel throughout the body to deliver relief. Research surrounding the bioavailability of CBD is ongoing – especially when it concerns CBD Topicals. However, studies suggest that the ability for CBD to make its way into the bloodstream is low. However, there are widespread cannabinoid receptors in the skin, muscles and tissues. So, it is thought that CBD topicals may interact with these structures to provide comfort to isolated areas.

The effects of CBD Topicals can last for hours. But this can vary depending on how much product you use, your discomfort level and the specific area of the body where the discomfort is located. Our CBD Pain Freeze can be reapplied multiple times per day for increased joint and muscle comfort.

What CBD Product Lasts the Longest?

CBD Edibles have the lowest absorption rates. They also take the longest amount of time to start working. However, their effects last longer than other products. So, you will feel the effects of CBD for the longest amount of time with CBD Gummies or other edibles.

What CBD Product Lasts the Shortest Amount of Time?

CBD vape carts boast the highest absorption rate. Also, their effects have a rapid onset. But the effects do not last very long.

How to Increase the Bioavailability of CBD

It is not possible to directly increase the absorption of CBD. But it is possible to increase your intake so you get a higher dose. To ensure you are getting your desired intake, multiply your dose by the bioavailability rate.

For instance, two high potency gummies have a serving size of 60mg of CBD. But because of the low absorption rate of edibles, that dose may only deliver 3.6mg to 12mg of CBD. With this knowledge, you can adjust your intake to better support your needs.

Taking multiple CBD products may offer the best outcome. You could try beginning your regimen with a CBD Vape product that will offer near-immediate results that last for an hour or so. You can then follow up with a CBD edible or sublingual drops to allow those products to take effect in the interim.


Determining how long CBD lasts for you can be a trial-and-error process. This is largely due to the fact that you may not recognize that this natural compound is still working for you even hours after you take it. The type of CBD product has a large effect on the absorption. CBD Gummies take the longest to kick in. But they also stay in your system the longest. Vaping CBD offers quick results. But it doesn’t have much staying power unless you continue to vape CBD. Everyone’s body is different. How you respond to different products is individual. Our CBD Bundles offer a range of premium CBD products including topicals, edibles and sublinguals. Our assorted bundles will help you find the right product(s) for long-lasting relief.

Posted in CBD

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