Hemp History Week | Hemp Benefits

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Hemp History Week is an educational campaign held annually to raise awareness about the environmental sustainability, health benefits, agriculture potential and technological applications of Industrial Hemp. This year, Hemp History Week will be celebrated during July 17-23, 2021. You already know about the calming and relaxing benefits of Hemp Bombs® Industrial Hemp-derived CBD products, but did you know it’s one of the oldest crops grown since the beginning of civilization? Continuing reading to learn more about the history of Hemp, Hemp uses and Hemp benefits.

What Is Hemp?

Hemp has been used as a resource dating back more than 10,000 years. Hemp is a non-psychoactive Cannabis sativa plant that is generally grown for commercial purposes. The Hemp plant is extremely resilient, being able to grow in a range of weather conditions without much maintenance. Not to mention, this plant grows extremely fast making it a viable option for many industries in high demand. This diverse crop can yield a variety of products ranging from foods, cosmetics, plastics, building materials, medications, textiles and more! Hemp seeds are also an excellent nutritional source that contains essential proteins and omega fatty acids.

Hemp Fast Facts

  1. Hemp is believed to be one of the oldest plants cultivated for textiles dating back to 2800 B.C.E. Dating all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia, Hemp is at the center of most early civilizations as the main source of textiles and clothing.
  2. Hemp can be used to produce over 25,000 unique products. From clothing and food to biofuel and car engines, Hemp can be used to make just about anything!
  3. The U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence were written on Hemp paper — That’s right, Hemp paper was used for the rough drafts for these documents which would eventually be the foundation of our country.
  4. Hemp captures carbon emissions. Experts say that every ton of Hemp can capture and hold 1.62 tons of CO2. Hemp biofuel is a renewable energy source and much safer for the environment in comparison to fossil fuels.
  5. Hemp has the sturdiest and longest plant fiber in existence. Hemp’s durability, strength and resistance have made it an excellent choice for military gear, parachute netting, ship rope and more.

How Hemp Benefits The Environment

1.Cleaner Air

Hemp naturally resists pests, reducing the need for harmful insecticides and pesticides during cultivation. This characteristic lowers the number of chemicals released into the air. Some crops, namely cotton, account for more than 25 percent of the world’s chemical pesticides and insecticides which not only pollutes the air but can also adversely affect your body. Hemp offers an alternative solution to cotton and other textile material because of its stronger fibers, faster growth rate and decreased need for chemicals.

When processed for paper, Hemp does not require bleaching which also decreases the number of chemicals released in the environment. Hemp has naturally low lignin levels, so it’s more pliable and easier to turn into a pulp for paper, whereas wood takes more chemicals and time. This natural crop also uses soy-based binders to form paper instead of formaldehyde (used for wood pulp) which decreases health hazards and air pollution.

2.Better Soil

The deep taproots of the Hemp plant grow up to three feet long allowing it to reach deep into polluted soil. Hemp absorbs toxins and metals like copper, lead and mercury to keep the earth clean – a process known as ‘phytoremediation.’

Hemp crops planted in this soil should only be used for biofuel due to the toxins stored in it. Hemp used in food, medicine and textiles should be grown in proper soil. That’s why Hemp Bombs only partners with farms that use environmentally friendly methods.

Hemp benefits farmers by preparing the land for the next harvest. The roots aerate the soil which cuts down the time between crop rotation. The taproot absorbs nutrients situated deep in the ground and minimizes the need for excess fertilizer.

3.Forest Conservation

One acre of Hemp produces the same amount of paper as one acre of Hemp and in a fraction of the time. As mentioned, converting Hemp to paper proves easier and less hazardous than wood. Hemp can be recycled between 7 to 8 times whereas regular paper maxes out at three times.

4.Clean Energy Source

Fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource, so when it’s gone, it’s gone. Luckily, Hemp produces methanol and ethanol to be used as fuel. One acre of Hemp yields about 1,000 gallons of fuels., The short cultivation time for Hemp allows the crop to meet the high demands of the fuel industry.

5.Keeps Groundwater Clean

Groundwater exists in almost all aspects of life: cooking, drinking, wetland habitats, etc. Hemp helps keep this water safe from contaminates through its roots. Its deep roots can reach the groundwater and remove chemicals and unwanted nutrients from entering groundwater.

6.Reduces Our Carbon Footprint

Hemp plants have a great affinity for carbon dioxide and take in more substantial amounts of the compound per acre as compared to other plants. A study found that about 40 percent of Hemp’s biomass is carbon dioxide. Hemp benefits the environment by reducing the amount of CO2 in the air which lessens the effects of global warming, acid rain and curbs the depletion of the ozone layer.

When processed to make materials, carbon becomes tied up in the Hemp product rather than returning to the ozone. Although burning Hemp crops releases some stored CO2, it merely returns to the next crop of plants in a cycle. Hemp plants don’t just take though, they also contribute higher levels of oxygen than most plants, accounting for about 20 to 40 percent of oxygen in the environment.

Hemp benefits you and the environment in more ways than we can count. The medicinal benefits of this plant are bringing relief to people everywhere through CBD Oil, CBD Gummies, CBD Edibles and other premium CBD products. Want more information about our Hemp-derived CBD products? Learn about the 5 Hemp CBD benefits of our bundles.

All in all, we still have a long way to go before we maximize Hemp’s potential in our environmental practices. You can do your part this Hemp History Week by educating others about the health benefits and environmental impact the Hemp plant can have on your community and society as a whole.


What is Hemp? – Hemp History Week
United States Environmental Protection Agency – EPA History: Earth Day
The Glory of Hemp – Environmental Benefits of Hemp
Forbes – Industrial Hemp: A Win-Win For The Economy And The Environment


Posted in CBD

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